Who can attend Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center?
PRCTC serves juniors and seniors from ten (10) partner school districts.
What if I don’t attend one of your partner schools?
We have an Open Enrollment Policy that may allow you to become a student at Pickaway-Ross CTC. Click here to see our Board-approved Admissions Procedures.
How do I apply?
If you are a sophomore currently attending one of our 10 partner district schools, the High School Application will become available online the second week in November 2024.
What if I have credit deficiencies or poor attendance?
The goal is that all students graduate. Our school counselors will review applications to decide the best educational experience for all students who apply. Students who do have credit deficiencies and/or poor attendance may be granted admission with a Success Plan. Plans must be submitted if the student is admitted to Pickaway-Ross CTC.
What is the daily schedule at Pickaway-Ross CTC?
Students attend from 8:00 a.m. until 2:38 p.m. each day. The school day consists of hands-on, career-technical program training, English, science, social studies, math, and elective classes. Some students enrolled in our Magnet programs, work-based learning, or other special circumstances will attend on an altered schedule.
What does it cost to go to Pickaway-Ross CTC?
Career-technical student organizations require $50 a year in dues for Main Campus Students.
Students enrolled in a Magnet Program are only required to pay $20 in student dues.
Will I get to see my schedule before school starts?
Students will be able to pick up schedules during the Ross County Fair or our Career-Tech Kickoff event that takes place in August.
Will I earn my high school diploma from Pickaway-Ross CTC?
Students receive their high school diplomas from their partner district high school. A student will receive a career-tech transcript from Pickaway-Ross CTC which displays a profile of both professional and personal accomplishments including industry credentials earned and CTSO (Career-Technical Student Organization) participation and awards.
Can I still go to college if I attend Pickaway-Ross CTC?
Pickaway-Ross CTC prepares students for a seamless transition from high school to college by providing several opportunities to earn college credit and scholarship money towards post-secondary education. These include, but are not limited to, College Credit Plus, CTAGs, and Bilateral Agreements.
Can I still participate in sports at my home high school?
Yes! You will still be a student at your partner district high school when you attend. We encourage you to participate in your extra-curricular activities like sports, clubs, band, etc. If you need a sports pass, please see information below for that.
What if my parents would like a tour of your school?
If you would like a tour of our campus, please contact us at
When do applications open?
Applications open in mid-November after our annual Open House. You can find the link to the application portal on our website under “Apply”. The link will be available once applications are open.
I’ve applied, now what?
Applications will be reviewed through February and acceptance letters will be sent out mid-March.
I’ve received a letter that says I’m on the Waitlist, what does that mean?
Students placed on the “Waitlist” are typically placed in this status because admission may be dependent on the student earning credits for the courses they are currently enrolled in.
I’ve received a letter that says I’m "Accepted with Conditions", what does that mean?
Students Accepted with Conditions means that the student will be admitted after they successfully complete all remaining credits during their Sophomore year.
Do you have a school uniform policy?
Yes. Since our students are preparing for the workforce, each program has its own program uniform. Program uniforms must be worn, except Fridays, and must not be covered up. Sweatshirts or jackets are permitted to be worn under the program uniforms.
Are uniforms supplied?
Students receive four (4) program uniforms. Learn more here.
Can extra uniforms be purchased?
Students may order more program uniforms and sweatshirts from the front office.
Will students need an ID card?
Since our students are preparing for the workforce, students are expected to have a Student ID card each day. Student ID cards are to be with the student at all times and should be provided when asked to do so by a staff member. Students will be required to use their Student ID card if entering our exiting the building outside of normal school hours. Students will receive their ID cards during the first nine weeks of school.
How do students get a pass to attend sports at their home school?
A note from the coach confirming the student’s participation on the team, and a note from the student’s parent/guardian giving them permission for to leave school at 2:15 PM as needed to participate in "said" sport is to be turned in or emailed to the Attendance Office at so a sports pass may be issued.
Do students get the same meal opportunities as their home school?
The Career & Technology Center operates a cafeteria that provides balanced, nutritious meals. Lunch periods are closed, and students enrolled in full-day programs cannot leave the campus. Students will be offered free breakfast and lunch thanks to the CEP program.
*Lunch deliveries such as Uber Eats, DoorDash are not permitted and will not be given to students.
What are the payment options for lunch?
Breakfast and Lunch are free for the 2024-25 School Year. Students can still add to their account in PaySchools for ala cart items.
Students/parents may add money onto their Payschools account by making a payment directly to the Cafeteria Manager at the Career & Technology Center’s cafeteria. Debit/credit card payments can be made HERE.
Will students receive a school email address?
Students will be provided with a Pickaway-Ross student email account when they are accepted.
How do I recieve a pass to drive my car to school?
There will be an informational meeting with all drivers after school starts. Following this meeting parking tags will be distributed. To receive a parking tag, you must have completed the driving application in final forms and present your driver's license at the time of your request as it is instructed in the meeting.
Can I access grades and other information about my student?
Parents and students will be mailed a Progress Book key after the lab lock-in date, August 27, 2024. After this date, contact Beth Tackett at (740) 642-1259. Please note - All forms must be complete (green status) on Final Forms for a Progress Book key to be generated.
Does Pickaway-Ross utilize Google Classroom?
All teachers at Pickaway-Ross maintain a Google Classroom and a main Google Classroom page for general student information.
Where can I find student forms?
Students will complete all admission forms and other necessary forms online through our FinalForms link on our website.
Does Pickaway-Ross have a separate calendar from my home school?
Yes, the Pickaway-Ross school calendar can be found HERE.
*Students are expected to follow the PRCTC calendar. Bus students will not be marked absent if the home school is not providing transportation. Driving students are expected to be at school and on time unless their home school is delayed or closed due to weather related conditions in their area.
What is an excused absence?
To be classified as an excused absence, the student must present a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian when returning to school following an absence. Excuses must be received within one school week of the day that the student was absent. Notes may also be emailed to
What if my home school is closed and there is no bus to Pickaway-Ross?
Students who ride the bus will not be recorded absent in the instance that their home school does not provide transportation. Home schools will provide a bus from their high school to PRCTC on the days of scheduled closures but may not run the normal route past your home, contact the home school for details on this as the Home School is the provider for the student’s transportation. Driving students, job placement or other students who normally get dropped off at school are expected to follow the PRCTC calendar and be at school on regular time and will not be excused if absent without a legitimate written excuse from a parent/guardian.
My home school is closed for weather, what do I do?
When the home school is closed because of weather related conditions, all students from that district, whether bussed, driving or dropped off, are not required to come to Pickaway-Ross that day.
My home school is on a two-hour delay, what do I do?
When the home school is on a two-hour delay because of weather conditions, all students from that district, whether bussed, driving, dropped off, or job placement, will report on a two-hour delay. Job placement students that would leave upon arrival due to the two-hour delay will be excused but they must call or email the attendance office of their situation since every schedule is different.
What do I do for a weather delay or closure if I am on job placement?
Students on job placement should follow their employer’s policy. You may be required to work on days that school is closed or on delay.