Next Step

NEXT STEP Employment Services

For Youth 16-24

What Services are Available?

The program offers a range of services to help individuals achieve goals related to obtaining employment, increased earnings and/or obtainment of a certificate or credential.

These include:

  • Tutoring or study skills training

  • Alternative secondary school services, or

    dropout recovery services

  • Paid and unpaid work experiences

  • Occupational skills training

  • Education offered concurrently with

    workforce preparation activities

  • Leadership development opportunities

  • Adult mentoring

  • Entrepreneurial skills training

  • Financial literacy education

  • Comprehensive guidance and counseling

  • Activities to prepare youth to transition to

    post-secondary education and training

  • Supportive services including access

    to drug and alcohol abuse counseling,

    healthcare, transportation, child care,

    housing, uniforms and work-related

    tools, educational testing and reasonable

    accommodations for youth with


Follow-Up Services

In order to support their success and stability, participants exiting the program can opt-in to receive follow-up services for a minimum of 12 months. Followup services may include leadership development, assistance addressing workrelated problems, mentoring, or assistance with car repairs, work uniforms, shoes, etc.

How Can I Access NEXT STEP?

Pickaway-Ross CTC Next Step
1410 Industrial Drive
Chillicothe OH 45601

Amy Royster, Coordinator